Even when you were young Vincent you looked just fine..very fine..and there many things to admire about you..you are smart..I did noticed that about you Vincent..you are sooo multitalented-you can awesomely act,dance and sing with your sexy "smokey" voice..
..you are sweet,king,humble and a great dad..how can I not admire that..you are so fun to be around,it definitely clear..you are sooo hardworking in anything you do Vincent..now that is awesomely sexy and sooo cool..and even a quiet filantropicst..WOW..
..let be clear I won't lie to you Vincent..I'm picky and I want the best..and you shure have a perfect body and face..a hot and sexy body and face..100% natural..incredible wonderful unrealistic to comprehend..
..you turn me on like no other man before..and you are a hunk..a perfect wonderful hunk..I want to ravish you Vincent in more ways then one..
..you are a man why ages like the finest wine..the older the better..I look at you Vincent and you are 50 now..and I say THAMMM..GROWLLL..MMM..RRR..
..I'm crazy,lost,nuts and I want,need,long for you Vincent..and I'm hot tham horny and hot for you Vincent..like crazy insane hot tham horny and hot all for you Vincent..